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Wind Generator part 3
Step 17
— Plant the tower base.
The tower is one of the most important components in your
wind generator system. It must be strong, stable, easily raised and
lowered, and well anchored.
Dig a round hole about 1 foot in diameter and 2 feet deep.
Feed the 6” x 1-1/4“ steel pipe nipple through the horizontal part of the 1-1/2"“ steel pipe T.
Screw the pipe elbows onto each end of the nipple, one on either side of the T, so that they both point in the same direction.
Screw the two 2’ x 1-1/4“ pipe nipples into the free ends of the elbows.
Set this hinged base assembly in the hole, so that the T
just clears the ground. Dig around, adjust, and position things so that
the 2’ nipples point straight down and the horizontal part of the T is
perfectly level.
With the base properly positioned, mix some concrete and pour it into the hole.
Step 18
— Erect and stay the tower.
NOTE: The higher your tower is, the more wind your generator will catch, and the more power it will produce.
Drill a large hole about 1 foot from the bottom of the 10’-30’ pipe, for the copper wires to exit.
Screw the pipe into the vertical part of the base’s hinged T.
Make four strong, flexible rings out of guy wire, about 5
inches in diameter. For each ring, loop the wire around several turns,
and twist it closed.
Place the 1-1/2“ U-bolt around the pipe, 3 feet from the
top of the pipe. Thread the four wire loops around the U-bolt, and space
them evenly around the pipe. Then tighten the nuts of the U-bolt.
Secure a guy wire to each of the loops on the U-bolt.
Also loop the ropes (safety ropes) through loops on opposite sides of
the pole.
Step 19
Position the four stakes, spacing them evenly apart at a distance away from the base that’s at least 50% of the tower’s height.
For our 15-foot-tall pole, we positioned the stakes 12 feet away from the base.
Then drive the stakes firmly into the ground, slightly
angling them away from the base. Or, for greater strength and
permanence, dig holes 2 feet into the ground, and set the stakes in
Wire a turnbuckle to each stake, using several strands of guy wire.
Raise the pole up and tie each of the safety ropes to
something solid, like a truck or a building (this is where having
another person or two really helps). Attach the guy wires to the
Hold the pole straight upright, and tighten all turnbuckles to ensure a secure fit.
Mark the front turnbuckle for future reference, so you
know how far you need to screw it back in when you’re re-raising the
Step 20
— Wire and mount the generator.
Release the front guy wire and lower the pole to the ground.
Feed two lengths of #8 wire, red and black, down through
the pole and out through the hole in the bottom of the pipe. Then wrap
the bottom ends of the two wires together, to create a closed circuit.
This is a safety precaution; it puts a load on the wind
generator to prevent it from spinning around fast while you’re working
on it.
Slide the generator assembly over the top of the pole.
Step 21
Pull the pole wires up through the mount, strip the ends, and crimp them into spade connectors.
Plug the red wire into the DC+ terminal of the spade
connector (which will probably be perpendicular to the others), and the
black wire into the DC terminal.
Insulate connections with heat-shrink tubing or electrical tape.
Step 22
Raise the pole by pulling the front guy wire into place, and tighten the turnbuckle to the mark made earlier.
Unwrap the ends of the wires and wire up your system as shown in the schematic.
Connect a regulator, an ammeter, a fuse, and a stop
switch on the positive line coming from the generator, between the
generator and the battery bank. Refer to the manufacturer’s
Then hook up the battery bank, and watch it fill up with free power!
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