Stink Bomb Recipe
How to Make a Homemade Stink Bomb

Make your own homemade stink bombs using this easy stink bomb recipe.
The stink bombs are as stinky as those you'd get at the store and can be
made with common household ingredients.
Homemade Stink Bomb Ingredients
- book of matches (20 matches)
- household ammonia
- empty 20-ounce plastic bottle with cap
Make the Stink Bomb
- Use scissors or a knife to carefully cut the heads off of a book of matches.
- Place the match heads inside the empty 20-oz bottle. Add about 2 tablespoons of household ammonia.
- Seal the bottle and swirl the contents around.
- Wait 3-4 days before uncapping the bottle. After this time your stink bomb will be ready to be opened.
- Uncap the bottle when you're ready to release the stink.
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